One reporter is looking for a few young women who'd like to become the UK versions of the universally reviled "Dating a Banker Anonymous" girls. But don't worry: he guarantees nobody will find out.

This email is circulating, from the reporter who wants to make you a star:

Hi everyone,

I am working on a feature for Look magazine in the UK related to the DABA girls blog which was featured in the NY Times last week. DABA stands for Dating A Banker Anonymous, a support group for women who do just that and have seen their relationships hit by the recession.

I need to find three women who fall into the category, aged 21 to 33, who will talk to me about how the credit crunch has affected things with the boyfriend / husband, and have their picture taken. It will only be published in the UK so they don't need to worry about family and friends seeing it.

Anyone who fits the bill can contact me on [redacted].

Please could you forward this on to friends.


Relax, it's in the UK. Dispatches from there take six weeks by sail, even in fair weather! We see no reason this could go poorly. [DABA Girls pic by Eric Strauss]