Marissa Mayer Rocks Her Ring on the Today Show
A sharp-eyed tipster caught an addition to Google executive Marissa Mayer's wardrobe for Tuesday's Today Show appearance: an engagement ring.
We'd heard Mayer's boyfriend, real-estate manager Zack Bogue, surprised Mayer in December by flying to Paris and proposing to her. But this is the first glimpse we've gotten of the engagement ring he put on her finger. An ex-Googler who saw it over the holidays said it was "not grotesque at all" — a blessing, considering that Mayer's quirky personal style, funded by hundreds of millions of dollars in Google shares, runs towards the nouveau gauche. Surely someone has gotten close to Mayer with a macro lens. If you've got a clear photo of Mayer's ring, care to send it in?
Update: Here's a closeup of the ring, via Eirik Solheim's Flickr:

Update: And another one, via J. Scriba's DLDscape art project: