Camilla Belle Devises The Ultimate Way To Impress Joe Jonas

When you're an actress dating a famously purity-ring-clad pop singer, how can you out-chastity him? If you're Camilla Belle, and your beau is Joe Jonas (of the Jonas Brothers, squeeeee!1!!), you go to great lengths.
Aloe Entertainment has put together its New Testament ensemble for "Mary, Mother of Christ."
Camilla Belle ("10,000 BC") will star as the titular character and will be joined by Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the dual roles of Gabriel and Lucifer and Peter O'Toole as Symeon.
Al Pacino and Jessica Lange are in talks to play Herod and Anna the Prophetess.
Impressive, Miss Belle: if there's any way to score points with a squeaky-clean JoBro, it's by playing the ultimate virgin. Now, we turn to Jonas dumpee Taylor Swift for her next move; if she really wants a revenge trump card to play, it's time to see if the Tropic Thunder makeup whizzes can help her land a role in the Lifetime biopic Not Everyone is a Slut, Just Everyone Who's Not Me: The Jordin Sparks Story.
[Photo Credit: E!]