Our Commenters Of The Week Win a Shane Hurlbut Light-Tweaking!

This week's best commenters get a Shane Hurlbut custom light-tweaking in the room of their choice! Just don't get hot and bothered if he does it while you're, uh, doing it. So who won?
everfade on Your First Look at Mariah Carey's Actually Respectable Performance In 'Push'!: This role must've been very draining on Mariah. Having to wear all those clothes.
NigelAstydameia on Kevin Smith Sells Out The Weinsteins In Latest 'Zack and Miri' Lament: If I want to watch fat people cry, I'll watch "The Biggest Loser."
Mr.Fluffy on Are These The French Funbags That Will Win Mickey An Oscar?: The blonde appears to be a member of SAG.
kookla on 'Can You Share Any Turkey-Basting Stories From Your Own Life?': Working Title: The Baster is Not That Into You Either
Magister on Defamer Rates The Super Bowl Porn That Accidentally Aired In Arizona: That was a thigh-slapper.
Congratulations (and an "OHHHHH GOOOOD!") to our winners!