So, what are our soy-based friends at PETA doing these days to outrage the world, hmmm? Oh just dressing up like the KKK outside of the Westminster dog show at Madison Square Garden. Normal Monday.

"Welcome AKC Members,'' read a banner hanging from the table — with AKC crossed out and KKK written above it. Two PETA protesters dressed as Ku Klux Klan members, while other volunteers handed out brochures that read: ``The KKK and the AKC: BFF?''

"Obviously it's an uncomfortable comparison,'' PETA spokesman Michael McGraw said.

But the AKC is trying to create a "master race,'' he added. ``It's a very apt comparison.''

Ok really now let's all be honest with each other, that is not a very apt comparison. Had PETA spokesman Michael McGraw not explained that, I would just be wondering the rest of the day, "What was that all about?" PETA, stick to normal things like vegetable porn and cannibal bus murders.

Legal Seafoods: Just like the Nazi Party.
Jennifer Lopez: Just like Pol Pot's persecution of intellectuals.
KFC: Just like the coverup of the Armenian genocide.
Bacon: Just like the persistent auto safety issues that Ralph Nader lobbied against so successfully, resulting in the passage of the 1966 National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

[via 1010 Wins]