
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Plans To Run For Senate After Seeing How Well Donald Trump Did  

Marina Galperina · 07/22/16 02:17PM

“I am overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues that I have championed for years,” says Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke in a video announcement of his plans to run for U.S. Senate in Louisiana today, the day after he came out in praise of Trump’s Republican nominee acceptance speech. Among other white-supremacist things the famous white-supremacist said are:

KKK Grand Dragon Has a Clever Plan to Make People Think He Doesn't Support Trump

Andy Cush · 03/18/16 11:25AM

What do you do when you really want one person to win an election, but you understand that by saying that out loud, you’re actually making him more likely to lose? You pretend to support the other person, obviously. And if anyone asks you why, you say, uh, well, I don’t like my guy’s toupee.

This Isn't the First Time Citadel Cadets Have Dressed Up Like the Ku Klux Klan 

Allie Jones · 12/11/15 10:52AM

At least eight students at The Citadel military college in Charleston, South Carolina have been suspended after photos of them dressed in white hoods surfaced on Facebook Wednesday night. Though Citadel president Lt. Gen. John W. Rosa was quick to explain the incident as a group of students “singing Christmas carols as part of a ‘Ghosts of Christmas Past’ skit,” that excuse looks even flimsier when considered in the context of the school’s racist past.

What Does This Look Like to You? 

Allie Jones · 12/10/15 02:51PM

In a statement today, the president of The Citadel military college in Charleston, South Carolina explained that the above photos of Citadel cadets show the young men “singing Christmas carols as part of a ‘Ghosts of Christmas Past’ skit.” I don’t know—looks like a KKK thing to me.

Brendan O'Connor · 11/10/15 11:49PM

Frazier Glenn Miller, the bloodthirsty anti-Semite convicted of murdering three people at Jewish community centers in Kansas last year, has been sentenced to death. As the sentence was announced, Miller yelled, “Heil Hitler!” None of his victims were Jewish.

The Shitty Memes of the KKK

Sam Biddle · 11/05/15 07:06PM

A group claiming affiliation with Anonymous, the nebulous blob of hackers whose influence and credibility has waned a lot in recent years, just released what appears to be a (real) long list of KKK members. The only interesting part is how horrible their Facebook accounts are.

Hudson Hongo · 09/08/15 09:30PM

According to the AP, a jury has recommended the death sentence for Frazier Glenn Miller, the white supremacist convicted of murdering three people at Jewish community centers last year. During closing arguments, Miller reportedly told the jury, “Frankly my dears, I don’t give a damn,” and gave a Nazi salute.