Twosome Try for Google-New York Times Merger

Who's dating Chinese-food obsessive New York Times reporter Jennifer 8. Lee? We hear the eclectic reporter has gotten herself a Googler boyfriend.

And not just any Googler. Her beau is Craig Nevill-Manning Silverstein, Google's director of technology. The pair showed up as a couple at this year's TED conference, a swanky affair frequented by Hollywood and Silicon Valley types, according to an attendee.
(Note: In an earlier version of this post, we had confused Craig Silverstein with Craig Nevill-Manning, a slightly less fabulously wealthy Googler. Our apologies!)
Silverstein, as Google's first employee, is fabulously wealthy. The relationship seems to have synergy: Lee quoted him in a 2002 article about Google, and she put him to work as her photographer in Beijing last August. Nice catch, Jenny!
(Photo of Lee by Nina Subin; photo of Silverstein via University of North Carolina Gazette)