
Roger Ebert's Pet Peeve

Ryan Tate · 03/24/10 06:33PM

Joey Lucas plotted a return to TV; Jennifer 8. Lee spotted a trend; and Roger Ebert issued a cinematic fatwa. The Twitterati were up to their old tricks.

The Twitterati Hitch a Ride

Ryan Tate · 03/16/10 08:03PM

Zach Klein and Megan McCarthy tried to hustle their way out of Austin; Brian Stelter and Ana Marie Cox wished bourbon on their audience; and Jeff Jarvis helped an old-media addict escape denial. South by Southwest changed the Twitterati.

You'll Take Your Rebuttal, and You'll Like It

Ryan Tate · 01/21/10 08:23PM

Dave Winer wanted to smackdown David Carr's "cockamamie" columns; Liz Hanks was cajoled over her "breakup;" and a Wired editor demanded better excuses. The Twitterati have answers for you, but you're not going to like them.

Hack to Hacker: Rise of the Journalist-Programmer

Ryan Tate · 01/14/10 09:21PM

As if the journalism job landscape weren't terrifying enough, now you've got to think about learning to code. It's yet another new media skill you'll need to stay ahead of competitors. And make no mistake: they're stockpiling O'Reilly books.

The Week the New York Times Bought Everyone Out

Brian Moylan · 12/11/09 06:26PM

Even all of your favorite bloggers have taken sweet, sweet Sulzberger severance deals and will no longer be working after 6pm today. Luckily fictional freelancer Betsey Morgenstern was skulking around looking for something to do. She had quite the week!

cityfile · 12/09/09 04:47PM

• The list of New York Times staffers accepting buyouts from the paper to leave has grown. And it includes Jenny 8. Lee, surprisingly). [Gawker, NYO]
• Television news: The Early Show has a new boss as of today; profits are up at CNBC; and Joy Behar's new show on HLN is doing pretty well in the ratings.
• Will Vevo, the new Hulu of music videos, succeed? That's up in the air, but it did host a glam launch party last night and traffic's been strong. [AdAge, CNET]
• Tavi, the 13-year-old blogger who's transfixed the fashion world, is writing a column for Harper's Bazaar; a bit of controversy has followed. [WWD, NYM]
• Great news! R. Kelly has signed a deal to pen his memoirs. [Vulture]
• Even better news: ABC has a reality show debuting in January that combines dating and romance with a "moving conveyor belt." It's about time! [Wrap]

Discussing the Blow-Jobby Part of Journalism

Ryan Tate · 11/30/09 08:40PM

Sarah Silverman compared her feelings to quicksand; Rob Thomas compared President Obama to President Bush; and a newspaper staffer likened the story process to oral sex. The Twitterati turned up the contrast.

Ultimate Geek Porn Fantasy Haunts Twitterati

Ryan Tate · 11/05/09 08:45PM

A Daily Show producer got caught listening; McSweeney's got caught exaggerating; and some nerdy erotica got caught being awesome. The Twitterati were sooo busted.

Twitter Slammed by Summer Doldrums

Ryan Tate · 07/31/09 01:12PM

Lately it seems like everyone on Twitter is dropping the ball. Too little chatter and too much "living" of "lives." So we ran a very scientific survey and discovered that, yes, basically everyone missed their numbers this month. The shamed:

Lesbians Really Dig Kurt Andersen

Ryan Tate · 06/22/09 07:03PM

All lesbians are Midwesterners who cotton to Kurt Andersen; all Apple copywriters should fear a Steve Jobs tantrum; and all people with cameras are unpaid Associated Press stringers. For the Twitterati, Monday was absolutely something.

Twitter Addicts Bringing Down New York Times Computers

Ryan Tate · 06/03/09 05:04PM

How Twitter-addled is the New York Times newsroom? Well, it's gotten so bad that the newspaper's system administrators have cautioned the Twitter addicts against using their beloved Twitter syringe, "TweetDeck," to get on the microblogging service. It's crashing the system!