Remember yesterday there was a big to-do over NY Post cartoonist Sean Delonas' (pictured!) racist dead chimp cartoon? I could swear I heard something about it. But the Post, uh, doesn't recall that one!

The little NYT story on the cartoon yesterday got more than 1000 comments. It was all over the cable news networks. It was all over the local news network, NY1. And the Daily News ran a Michael Daly column today calling for the Post to apologize. But the Post? Well they didn't catch that story yesterday, probably because of the din of phones ringing with threats to burn down their building. But hey, did you guys hear about that monkey attack? Ha, you just can't get enough of that one, right? It's a totally legitimate story, unconnected to race in any way, so please stop calling, black people!

[PS—hey Delonas, 78% of New York Post readers believe that yellow ties are a sure sign of being a prancing gay sheep-fucker. Photo via]