Reverend Al Assails Post with Outrage

Rev. Al Sharpton, having no other plans for the day, just held a protest outside the New York Post's headquarters to protest Sean Delonas' monkey cartoon. It's more outrageous than Don Imus, sez the Rev!
Sharpton said it's worse than Don Imus' derogatory comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team. The Post, Sharpton said, seems to play into the old stereotype of African Americans being monkeys.
There you have it! Hard to tell from the midday news tight shots, but it looks like they got at least a semi-respectable number of protesters out there, not that anyone at News Corp gives a fuck. Sharpton says if the Post doesn't "take some action" against Delonas and his editors, he'll lead a boycott of advertisers. To which Col Allan, we imagine, finished his Hot Pocket, licked his lips, turned to his editors, and said, "Fuck Al Sharpton." [CBS2]