The Fabulous Life of Liz Smith

Liz Smith's time at the New York Post is done. It's time for a lifetime retrospective! Who is this gossipy lady? It all started back in a dusty little place called Texas...
Fort Worth, Texas, specifically, which is where Liz was born, way back in 1923! She married her high school sweetheart, left him, got a journalism degree down there in Texas, then made that grand journey up here to New York, city of lights!
Her first big gig was as a producer for Mike Wallace—who would later go on to become a famous journalist himself. What are the odds? She started ghostwriting a gossip column in the 50s. And she was hooked! The golden dust of the gossip world had seeped into her blood!
She had editor gigs with Cosmopolitan and Sports Illustrated, but in 1976 she started writing her own gossip column for the NY Daily News. That propelled her to years of TV reporting, as well. She moved to Newsday in the early 1990s, and added in her Post column several years later. Where she stayed, writing all types of illustrious gossip, until today. In her book, she recalled the heady early days:

Liz was also one of the highest-paid women columnists ever, anywhere. This gossip thing has made her a boatload of cash!
Let's remember a few of the great moments we've shared with Liz over the years, shall we?
She likes to sleep in the nude!
She was sometimes at odds with her employer!
She decries tackiness of all stripes!
She loves pets. Possibly more than she loves people!
She can't get enough of Nicole Kidman's breasts!
She admits that the internet is too hard!
And now, at long last, she's come to the conclusion that gossip is bullshit!
It is a sparkly career to be proud of. And you must respect her good cheer! So don't be mad at the Post, Liz Smith fans; reminisce on her accomplishments, then go catch her all new work over at Wowowow...owowow. [Pic via]