
David Brooks Is a Working Class Hero

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 08:25AM

David Brooks, the Mr. Rogers of the New York Times, has some penetrating thoughts about the “working-class parts of America,” on which he is a well-known expert.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/16 10:20AM

“If we talked as if people had souls, then we’d have a thick view of what is at stake in everyday activities,” writes David Brooks today. At this point he’s basically the nice old man with Alzheimer’s at church that everyone chooses to leave alone as long as he doesn’t hit anyone.

Peggy Noonan Consulteth Her Chauffeur About Matters Political 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 08:30AM

These times we live in—they are troubled, are they not? What hath the commoners wrought upon our noble republic, with this “Trump” whose gaudy habits offendeth the senses? Whose common voice shall explain to one and all the unknowable thoughts of the peasantry?

Tom Friedman Is No Socialist, Obviously

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/16 11:15AM

If you sat Tom Friedman in a chair, gave him a piece of paper, snapped your fingers to get his attention, and told him to write down America’s three greatest sources of strength, what would he do?

Peggy Noonan's Surprising Nonwhite Encounter

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/16 09:35AM

Peggy Noonan—white of skin, fair of hair, pure of heart. An American, a care bear, in the state of New Hampshire, alert. Whot doth Peggy espy approaching nigh? Lo—it is those whose skin is brown. Question them, we shall.

The Curse of Peggy Noonan Descends Upon Bernie Sanders

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/16 09:30AM

Ronald Reagan action figure collector Peggy Noonan has, shall we say, a checkered record of political predictions. Today, she tars one Bernard Sanders with her dastardly Wand of Bad Luck.

Frank Bruni Loves Corporations

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 09:02AM

Frank Bruni, a professional newspaper columnist who—unfortunately, given his chosen profession—has not had a single good idea in the past five years, continues that proud streak today. In spectacular fashion!

Peggy Noonan Talks Blobs

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 10:30AM

The president. Sitting atop a white rock—America, pure as snow, a monument. Lincoln. The ballot box—a throne of our nation. Shall the free press poop atop it? Undulating, in the wind.