David Letterman thought it was pret-ty funny to laugh at Alicia Ebaugh's story in the Cedar Rapids Gazette about a man caught sexing a blow-up doll. Why does David Letterman laugh at the unemployed?

After American everyman Dave had his little chuckle at Alicia's story, he said, "Look at that! Let's see the byline on that. That's a proud byline. Happy to have your name above that story, I guess. Nice job, Alicia! Good work! Keep up the good work!"

That was last night. Turns out Alicia was laid off last week. What is so "funny" about the loss of one more hardworking Iowan reporter, who was dedicated to keeping the public informed of bathroom blow-up doll sex threats? Now you owe her—and us—an apology, Dave, along with tickets to the show and a 2-night stay at the midtown Hilton and complimentary dinner and breakfast. [TV Barn also has video]