Wisconsin Football Dads Think Reporting is Illegal
In your muddy Thursday media column: the grownup version of 'Jocks vs. School Newspaper Nerds,' a blogger passes away, everything is too sexy, and rumors of magazine troubles:

Ha, the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association is suing Gannett for covering the news. Really. The WIAA says that they control all rights to "transmission, Internet stream, photo, image, film, videotape, audiotape, writing, drawing or other depiction or description" of high school games. Oh no, the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association has outlawed news!
Today in Media Outlets that Are too Erotic for the Average American: Quilting magazines and NPR.

Last night, Hugh Jackman presented an award to wrinkly News Corp vampire Rupert Murdoch. Was the award for "Sexiest Man that Hugh Jackman Would Secretly Like to Make Out With?" You'll have to read the story to find out!
Robert Guskind, a blogger who formerly wrote for Curbed and Gowanus Lounge, was found dead in somewhat murky circumstances.

We hear that downtown NYC mag Tokion might be having serious (life-threatening?) financial problems. If you know more and would care to confirm or deny, email us. We'll update with new info.
UPDATE: In response to this, a company PR rep simply forwarded us the January press release announcing Nylon and Inked owner Don Hellinger's acquisition of Tokion, and said Hellinger "plans to continue operations." We heard from a separate source, however, that Tokion has been slow paying invoices from its last issue.