The Twitterati Watch Bono Wave, Wearing a Snuggie

What, precisely, about Twitter leads people to admit to things like buying a Snuggie or mooching off a multinational media conglomerate? Here's what Caroline Waxler, Sarah Lacy, and others said in the 140-character confessional:

Twitter-loving food writer turned dubiously qualified Web entrepreneur Amanda Hesser dished out advice to Mediabistro founder Laurel Touby.

New York media scenestress Caroline Waxler bought something as seen on TV, and CNET reporter Caroline McCarthy bullied us into informing you.

Multimedia tech opinionator Sarah Lacy just couldn't leave the studio.

Gossip blogger Perez Hilton did, like, some reporting, kinda.

New York Times Detroit reporter Micki Maynard found a lone supporter of the domestic auto industry.
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