The Twitterati Watch Bono Wave, Wearing a Snuggie
Owen Thomas · 03/05/09 05:03PMHenry Blodget taps Forbes survivor to edit tabloid business-news site
Owen Thomas · 09/19/08 07:00AM
Does Henry Blodget, the disgraced former Wall Street stock analyst, have a Forbes fetish? We ask because his latest hire, Caroline Waxler, has the business fortnightly on her resume — as does soon-to-depart Blodget employee Peter Kafka. Blodget, best known for his Silicon Alley Insider site, seems to fancy himself a business-blog mogul, running two other sites — Clusterstock and the Business Sheet. Waxler will edit the latter which, in a refreshing piece of honesty, explains, "We’re still in beta, which means we still suck."At present, the Business Sheet's headlines read like Rupert Murdoch had reassigned the editors of the New York Post to man the Wall Street Journal's copydesk. I trust Waxler, with whom I worked at a now-forgotten business magazine, will liven things up. Most recently, she attempted to bring a dash of celebrity to an overserious And besides working at VH1 on shows like Best Week Ever, she has comedy running in her veins: Joan Rivers is her aunt. If anyone can find the funny in a market meltdown, she can.
The bubble in personal-finance websites
Owen Thomas · 07/16/08 10:00AM
AOL has launched Walletpop, a personal-finance site; IAC and Dow Jones have FiLife; and has All hope to attract a younger audience to personal-finance news than the conventional stock talk and online portfolios offered by the staid likes of Yahoo Finance and CNNMoney. The bets are wrong both in their timing and their premise. Stockbrokers and mortgage lenders, reliable advertisers during good times, are both ducking for cover and pulling back their budgets. Froth might have sustained these sites a couple of years ago, but not now. No matter when they launched, though, their proponents should have remembered this maxim: Financial advice, like youth itself, is wasted on the young.
Cramer: "Cleveland Valley," not Silicon Valley, will save us
Nicholas Carlson · 06/09/08 12:00PM
At a breakfast event to conclude New York's Internet Week this morning,'s Jim Cramer said Valley innovation is all about creating "fancy ways to deliver music and videogames." The obstreperrific stockpicker said videogame makers Take-Two and Activision are tech's two most successful companies, other than Apple and Google — and that's fine, but it's also a sign Silicon Valley won't save us from the economic woes the markets gave a hint of last week. Instead, he predicts the Rust Belt — "Cleveland Valley," Cramer calls it — will. (Cramer joins Miss South Carolina in illustrating the need for better geography education in our schools.) The region, better known as the Cuyahoga River Valley, has had to reposition itself as the home of what Cramer calls "New Tech," building such marvels as "windmills with blades the size of 747 wings." Other highlights from Cramer's characteristically energy-charged talk and photos, below.
Founders Club partiers revel in the view from the top
Nicholas Carlson · 06/06/08 12:00PM
HEARST TOWER, NEW YORK — Far from the sweaty, screaming fans that attended Digg's Brooklyn meetup Wednesday night, the suits of the Alley and Valley gathered last night on the top-most floor of the Hearst Tower for another Founders Club party to celebrate each others' transcendent splendor. All night, giant screens at either end of the party played clips from Citizen Kane, the barely fictionalized biopic based on the life of Hearst Corp.'s own founder, William Randolph Hearst. There wasn't a Hearst in the crowd, but there were those who aspire to be him. Blog moguls like PaidContent's Rafat Ali, Gawker Media's Nick Denton and AlleyCorp's Henry Blodget mingled. New CEO Jason Rapp attended, as did Digg cofounders Kevin Rose and Jay Adelson. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's mentor, Valley bad boy Sean Parker, was rumored to be in the crowd as well. Jimmy Wales, cofounder of the world's most comprehensive list of William Randolph Heart's angry responses to Citizen Kane, attended with Andrea Weckerle on his arm. Photos below.
Vice-based investing
Gawker · 12/28/02 08:13PMFreelance journalist and sometime NY Post contributor Caroline Waxler's new book, Stocking up on Sin: How to Crush the Market with Vice-based Investing, advises investors to put their money into things like booze, drugs, weapons, gambling and sex. Waxler's not the only advocate. Dan Ahrens' Vice Fund, for example, is composed entirely of sin stocks. ("Ahrens says he's not completely devoid of morals: He prints the Vice Fund prospectus with its martini glass and cigarette logos on recycled paper.")
Blown away at Harvard [Keith Kelly, Post]
Sex sells [Buzzmachine]
Vice Fund