Net Perv Places Price On AG's Head!

"An aggressive criminal investigation" has been launched after a random internet message board crank claimed to have put a price on Andrew Cuomo's head.
Yes, a man identifying himself as "an official of NAMBLA," the punchline organization of out and proud pedophiles, announced on some unnamed Bronx-based message board that his organization raised "$10,000 to shoot Andrew Cuomo in the face." Law enforcement is taking this threat almost as seriously as the Post is!
The shocking death threat by the infamous organization of pederasts was posted three weeks ago on an Internet news-group bulletin board that originated in The Bronx, law-enforcement sources said.
The threat, described by a source as "unprecedented" because it is believed to come from an organization, prompted a sweeping and ongoing criminal probe by the Attorney General's Office and at least one other law-enforcement organization, and subpoenas were issued, sources said.
In addition, investigators have "linked" the message to "an imprisoned pervert with strong NAMBLA ties." And now New York's attorney general is traveling with armed guards. The entire organization of NAMBLA consists nowadays of a website and a P.O. box, so we wouldn't be inclined to take their fundraising claims seriously, but this is why no one asks us to protect public officials.
Cops "tracked the message" to some woman in the Bronx who maintains a "news group," but they won't tell us which newsgroup. But we all know 4Chan comes from that kid in Long Island, so... we're just gonna guess it was this one.