Sarah Palin's Scientology Team Comes Clean

Yes, the husband of a Fox News anchor is advising and assisting Sarah Palin. But it's not like he's getting paid. The elite Scientologist just likes helping the ladies.
Out of the goodness of his superhuman, OT VII heart, Greta Van Susteren's husband John Coale has "helped" everyone from Hillary Clinton to Nancy Pelosi to, yes, Palin, Susteren wrote in a post to her Fox blog "GretaWire."
He has fun doing it. He happens to enjoy helping them with advice. He likes to see women succeed...
...He has also met many of my professional women friends over the years (they have become his friends) and has gotten a good understanding of the challenges women have met and continue to meet.
Van Susteren, herself a Scientologist, said Coale "has given Governor Palin advice and helped her" — right, by running her PAC? — but has not been paid. Not that Gawker or the Washington Post ever said he had; wishful thinking about drawing the former vice presidential nominee into the Church of Scientology is likely a much more powerful motivator for Coale than mere dollars.
Coale met the governor when Van Susteren interviewed her, Van Susteren said. How cozy. Let's see how long this tight little circle holds together once the evangelical Christian base of the Republican Party figures out it's rife with non-believers.