Arthur Kade is Too Hot For Angelina Jolie

Our friend Arthur Kade is moving up in the world! Philly's most inane John Fitzgerald Page knockoff is in a movie with Angelina Jolie. Eh, Arthur Kade has fucked hotter chicks:
Arthur's an extra (Just like JFP!) in Salt, so he's been spending a lot of time hanging out with Angelina—but sadly, she "didn't live up to the hype":
She was probably only 5'6", and fragile thin. I thought she was wearing a ton of make-up, and felt like she may look a bit older than what she is. She is definitely unique looking, but I feel like I have dated much hotter women than her, and outside of some special features that she has (eyes, cheekbones, and lips), I couldn't really say that she would stick out for me if I saw her at a hot club like 1Oak or Rosebar. She almost appears "mother hot", rather than "stripper hot", and I would probably rate her an 8.5-9 on my looks scale. I am not that sure that I would even feel the need to come up and initiate a conversation with her if I met her out somewhere. Ironically, the older woman next to me felt that Jolie made eye contact with me several times, and joked "I think she likes you", and "that's why she keeps bumping into you". I guess no more dreams of her being the next Mrs. Kade.
Sucks for her. When not hanging with Angelina or mackin on some some total 9's in the VIP section in AC, Arthur is giving interviews about his crazy lifestyle, punishing the heavy bag for upwards of 30 seconds, and filming video auditions for the QVC network in which he sells you his jeans that sport the "indigo wash—the hottest, trendiest wash." Watch and learn, normals.