This staff memo went out at the New York Times today—TV beat reporter Jacques Steinberg will join the National Desk and write a blog on college admissions.

For almost 20 years, Jacques Steinberg has brought his innate
curiosity and limitless enthusiasm to a variety of beats — from
Westchester County, to education, to newspapers. In his six years
covering television, he has had encounters with luminaries like Dan
Rather, Don Imus and the entire cast of "The View." He wrote about
"Mad Men" before anyone knew how hot it would become.

Now, Jacques is taking on a new challenge. He is joining the National
Desk's education team and will be the anchor of a blog about college
admissions called The Choice.

As a former education reporter and the author of a book about the
admissions process at Wesleyan University called "The Gatekeepers,"
Jacques is uniquely qualified to lead this enterprise. He hopes to
create a site that prospective college students and their parents will
turn to regularly for information and advice about applying to college
and finding the money to pay for it.

He'll be getting a lot of help from others who cover higher education,
including Tamar Lewin of the National Desk, Lisa Foderaro of the Metro
Desk, and Jane Karr, editor of Education Life.

The Choice officially launches on Monday (March 30), to capture the
moment when high school seniors are receiving their acceptance letters
and struggling to decide which school to go to.

And Jacques is asking for your help. If you're at any stage of this
process — starting a college savings fund; mapping out a summer
college tour for your high school junior; dealing with the prospect of
your triplets leaving the nest — please let him know at We're hoping some staff members could be coaxed
into telling parts of their stories to a wider audience.

Suzanne Daley and Jonathan Landman