
Fox News Plays Nice With Times Reporters It Hasn't Yet Smeared

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/08 12:40PM

Is the Fox News PR machine trying to get back in the good graces of the New York Times-and slyly drive a wedge between reporters there at the same time? The network's famously vicious media relations operation was ravaged in a David Carr column in the Times on Monday. But now that they've let Bill O'Reilly take his obligatory on-air shot at the paper, the network seems to have decided to play nice with Times reporters-at least, with some of them.

Bill O'Reilly Falsely Accuses Times Of Caricature

Ryan Tate · 07/08/08 01:54AM

In response to a Times column about Fox News uglifying a picture of reporter Jacques Steinberg and viciously smearing Tim Arango and other journalists, the cable network's chief rageaholic, Bill O'Reilly, is pretending to be pissed at the Times for caricaturing him in the illustration for a 2007 book review. The caricature, he said during his Fox show last night, even included some kind of devil horn (clip after the jump). But O'Reilly's screaming on-air hatefest is the worst sort of act, because if you actually examine the illustration, reproduced after the jump, you notice two things.

Fox News Airs Uglified Photos of Critical Timesmen

Michael Weiss · 07/02/08 02:36PM

Look what happens when journalists report about a ratings dip at Fox News: their photos become ghoulishly caricatured on Fox & Friends. According to the show's co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade, New York Times television editor Steven Reddicliffe, who just so happens to be a fired and disgruntled Fox employee, assigned reporter Jacques Steinberg to write a "hit piece" on how fewer viewers were tuning in to the fair and balanced news network. It was a form of aggression that would not stand, and so the nasty liberal "attack dogs" got their comeuppance by having their facial features distorted and exaggerated with the magic of Photoshop. As you can see above, Steinberg became a chain-smoking Dick Tracy villain, and Reddicliffe became Lionel Trilling.

Because You Can't Say 'Hot Tits' in the Times

Jessica · 11/23/05 10:54AM

Jacques Steinberg includes an interesting fact in his piece on Lara Logan, the aggressive 60 Minutes correspondent (and former swimsuit model) whose tenacity has drawn comparisons to that of Dan Rather and Mike Wallace: