James Franco's War on Sleep

James Franco is a busy fellow. He's sleeping his way through grad classes and filming more stoner movies. Is he perhaps too busy, too overstretched? Some recent news about the honey-dipped actor would suggest so.
First comes word that Franco, though on a career "hot streak", has been forced to turn down several movie roles. Mostly because he's being loyal to his buddies David Gordon Green and Danny McBride and will go make a stoner movie in Northern Ireland with them this summer. This scheduling has forced him to drop out of big prestige (get it?) picture Inception, a Christopher Nolan-directed film to star Leonardo DiCaprio. His grad classes are also interfering with an offer to costar with Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love. (Though, that actually might be a good thing.)
He's stretched in so many different directions. He's watching the whole Criterion collection, dashing over to LA to give a big-time speech, and making late night house calls to a Columbia student, at her dorm. Well, so says a tipster, anyway:
Well, at approximately 4:00AM this last Saturday night, I saw James Franco get signed into a Columbia residence hall by a girl (whose name escapes me at the moment but could find out rather easily). So here I am wondering what the hell James is doing getting signed in by some college junior girl in her PJs, who if you care to know is not the prettiest of girls by anyone's standards. Doesn't Franco have a girl of his own to go home to? Does she know Franco goes to chill out with college girls in their PJs on a Saturday night?
Phew! So basically something's gotta give. Either he puts school and academic-related speaking engagements and Criterion bids for intellectual cred on the back burner, or he sidelines his acting career. We'd guess that, in the end, flashy movies and money will win out. It'll just take that one project he really wants to do, and then it's goodbye, Mr. Chips.
The modern career boy just can't have it all, sadly.