
Trump Threatens to Revoke NYT Press Credentials Again 

Hannah Gold · 08/14/16 03:20PM

Trump is throwing yet another tantrum at the New York Times, this time over a reported article published on Saturday that depicts the GOP presidential nominee as privately unhinged. As opposed to his more dynamic public persona, which is that of an unhinged, yet confident, individual.

SVA Just Sent a Bunch of Grad School Acceptance Emails to People Who Didn't Even Apply

Andy Cush · 04/28/16 05:36PM

“Congratulations!” reads an email that the graduate admissions department at New York City’s School of Visual arts sent today. “I am pleased to inform you that you are among an elite group of applicants to earn graduate admission to the School of Visual Arts for the Summer 2016 semester.” But the recipients—some of them, anyway—hadn’t been accepted to the elite grad program. Many of them hadn’t even applied.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/14 12:48PM

For unclear reasons, this discussion on the topic of "Should I Go to Grad School?" contains more than one word.

Adam Weinstein · 03/24/14 04:56PM

Yale University graduate students invited to a special closed-door chat with war criminal and used-diplomacy salesman Henry Kissinger were told not to divulge the meeting publicly. In related news, graduate students don't keep secrets for shit.

Columbia Business School Students Must Be Reminded to Wash Themselves

Richard Lawson · 10/18/10 11:05AM

Apparently recruiters have complained to the board of a Columbia investment banking club that students they are meeting with about potential jobs haven't been keeping up their end of the ol' societal hygiene bargain. So, an embarrassing memo went out.