No Need to Throw Your Copy of Nylon in the Trash Any More! (Updated)

Haha, Nylon magazine has hit upon a "novel" solution to save money, if "novel" means "kind of like a big scam." It's *informing* subscribers that they'll now be getting their issues in digital format. Okay?
This is exactly like when you find that you've been automatically subscribed to some shit, and all you have to do to unsubscribe is just call this number, no biggie! Here is the full email Nylon's sending out to subscribers, via MissBehave's blog:
Dear [subscriber], We're pleased to attach your April issue of NYLON Magazine – in digital format. Just as DVDs have it all over VHS tapes, we think you will come to agree that our digital edition of NYLON offers a number of advantages over the traditional print edition:
No more waiting for your new issues to come in the mail! We will email each new issue of NYLON to you the day our editors sign off on it! And yes, the digital edition has all the content of the paper version; plus you can easily click, save, and print out the photos — or share them with friends online.
No more lost issues! Ever had a magazine misplaced by the post office? Chewed up by the dog? Borrowed by your BFF? No problem – each digital edition in your NYLON subscription is always available to you, on our website or your computer!
No more paper! Looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint? You have found one – enjoying NYLON Magazine on your screen instead of on paper! You'll have less to throw out too.
Again, thank you for subscribing to NYLON. Wait ‘til you see what we have lined up in months ahead… Sincerely, Don Hellinger President P.S. If for some reason you would prefer to receive the print edition of NYLON instead of the digital edition, simply call 1-866-639-8133 between the hours of 8AM and 10 PM central time , and a Customer Service Representative will be pleased to assist you.
"I'll just read the website for free, thx."
UPDATE: Faran Krentcil at Nylon writes us to say that this email only went out to a small portion of Nylon subscribers:
Anyone who's bought a NYLON print subscription will continue to get it. That email went out to readers who'd signed up for a free trial subscription that recently expired.
All our paid subscribers will continue to get their NYLON in print, and if any of the trial subscribers want a NYLON in print, they can call the 800 number. It takes two seconds. You can do it during a commercial break for Gossip Girl.
I can see how the email would be confusing out of context (I didn't write it, alas) but figured you should have the whole story, especially since nobody @ Gawker contacted us to verify.