Good news in dark times: You'll seen be able to take Nadya Suleman away from her 14 kids, on a date, to be filmed by reality show cameras and watched by a confused, frightened nation.

In Touch is reporting that Suleman's long-expected reality show deal will not only follow the mother of octuplets around the clock, but will also zoom in on her quest to find a man.

In case you were worried this show might accidentally produce a reasoned national discussion on single motherhood, the politics of childcare or the range of mental disorders apparently afflicting Suleman, "In Touch editor Kim Serafin says the series will be a cross between John & Kate Plus 8 and The Bachelor," Hollyscoop reports (In Touch article isn't online). So there's not much danger of high-minded analysis.

Not that there's much to say on that level, really. OK! reached out to high-profile attorney Gloria Allred for reaction to the show. She thinks Suleman might only care about her many children insofar as they help her get attention. You don't say.