So now a CNBC insider says GE overlords did not apply political pressure in a meeting with the network, as previously reported. The financial network is perfectly capable of flagellating itself.

Moe Tkacik (hey, that name sounds familiar) over at Talking Points Memo had a chat with her own CNBC source, present at the now-famous 30 Rock meeting between GE chief Jeff Immelt, NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker and top personalities and executives from CNBC.

The source "took offense" to the idea that the meeting was "creepy," saying it had been convened to give network reporters the chance "to pick Immelt's brain," since he not only heads GE but is on the president's economic advisory council and on the board of the New York Fed.

It's worth noting that this is third explanation of why the meeting was called, CNBC having said previously it was convened "to thank CNBC for a job well done" and an aggrieved insider having told Page Six it was all about bowing down before General Secretary Barack Obama.

Tkacik's source acknowledged that the meeting did turn to "soul searching", but only as part of an ongoing self-examination at the network:

Our source said some CNBC employees and executives now accept that the network was too willing to play cheerleader to the financial engineering-based economy, but expressed surprise that anyone felt political "pressure" after the dinner.

Conservative anchor Dennis Kneale agreed there's been no political pressure.

Which raises the question: If CNBC's corporate overlords won't smack the broken network's most intractable elements into a serious reform program, who the hell will?

[Talking Points Memo]