Yesterday's Mindless Conventional Wisdom Is No Longer Operative

Time's Mark Halperin says Obama is "dominating," and has come up with a patented list of "16 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is Exceptionally Good At His Job." Here's one: He doesn't listen to Mark Halperin.
Halperin is a well-compensated idiot. Here's what he said on MSNBC in January on why Barack Obama is an abject failure and exactly like George Bush:
This is a really bad sign for Barack Obama to try to change Washington.... He needs bipartisan solutions. They went for it and they came up with zero.... [This] does not bode well for a future that is supposed to be post-partisan... [Obama] could have gone for centrist compromises. You can say to your own party, "Sorry, some of you liberals aren't going to like it, but I am going to change this legislation radically to get a big centrist majority rather than an all-Democratic vote." He chose not to do that, that's the exact path that George Bush took for most of his presidency with disastrous consequences for bipartisanship and solving big problems.
But now Obama is dominating, because that's what it seems like now, so why not blast it from the rooftops as HALPERIN'S TAKE because people seem to listen to him?
Halperin's vapid weather-vane reversal spells doom for Obama, though, because as David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager who is known to concern himself with real things in the actual world as opposed to the contours of Mark Halperin's ego, used to say on the trail: "If Politico and Halperin say we're winning, we're losing."
Mr. President: You are now losing.