Tom Cruise Hasn't Met a Script He Hasn't Asked to Be Rewritten

There is little good news anymore. Today Angelina Jolie signs a pact with the devil, as does Walgreens. Tom Cruise can't pick good scripts, and Dimension keeps puttering along.
Now she'll really be considered a serious actress. Action heroine Angelina Jolie has inked a deal with Fox 2000 to star in a possible movie franchise based on the searing, probably-some-kind-of-award-winning mystery masterpieces written by our finest authoress, Patricia Cornwell. [Variety]
Every movie Tom Cruise ever does needs to have a big round of script doctoring. Which, you know, says something about the kinds of movies that Tom Cruise does. [Variety]
Anthony Jaswinski come on down. Your script Kristy has just been picked up by Dimension, and the all-star producers behind such hits as Martian Child, Miss Potter, and Secondhand Lions will produce the college campus thriller. Movies! [Variety]
Booooo. NBC has once again messed with Kings, their weird series about kings and stuff that no one watches. The actually pretty good show has been pulled from the schedule, of Saturday night no less, and will return on June 13th. In the wasted heat of summer. Sigh. [THR]
Do you already feel like a superhero when you shuffle your miserable bathrobed self into line at Walgreens? Well get ready to feel extra fantastic then, because the CVS for sad people has just inked a merchandising deal with Marvel. [THR]