, the lovesexdating site for the type of people who follow the Hipster Grifter saga closely, has hit upon a clever plan to propel itself onward and upward through the recession: fewer nekkid pictures!

Nerve hired its new CEO away from The Onion, for some reason, and he's doing this, for some reason:

The most significant change to Nerve, which launched in 1997, will be in how little nudity will be on the revamped site. Mills said that Nerve's premium and members-only photo archives, which contain many photos that display substantial expanses of naked skin, will be spun off into a new, as-yet-untitled external subscription site.

The Nerve blogs that sometimes feature nudity will be similarly toned down, said Mills, who started at Nerve last week. The nudity that remains, Mills said, will be more like the nudity that appears in the New Yorker or New York magazine-that is, occasional and relatively incidental.

Ha yes, purely incidental nudity like Lindsay Lohan all up New York magazine, nekkid. I mean if some girl is wandering by the Nerve offices and it's hot out and she wants to slip out of her clothes and do a photo shoot, fine, but otherwise, those titillating reader-submitted short stories should do the trick, revenue-wise.
[Businessweek. Pic: Nerve, scandalously]