All relationships are "complicated," Facebook: Heidi Montag can't sell pictures of her stupid re-wedding, so why bother; Miley Cyrus is sheepishly two-timing and LiLo and SamRo restored a tenuous digital connection.

  • Samantha Ronson upgraded her Lindsay Lohan relationship to "It's Complicated" on Facebook after blanking her relationship status during the couple's breakup. The two have also resumed talking on the phone again, instead of just texting. At this rate they should be romantically screaming at one another again in a matter of days, just like old times. [Us]
  • Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt couldn't close a deal to sell their wedding pictures exclusively to any of the celebrity magazines. Maybe because it's their second ceremony and nobody cares anyway? Naww, better to blame the economy. [Scoop]
  • Miley Cyrus can't bring herself to dump her 20-year-old underwear model boyfriend in person, so she's doing it though the tabloids. She's growing up so fast! (That said, the 16-year-old singer's new/old boyfriend Nick Jonas isn't allowed close his bedroom door when he makes out with her.) [Gatecrasher]
  • Jennifer Aniston is supposedly afraid to leave her hotel room, because she might run into Angelina Jolie on the streets of New York, where both actresses are shooting movies. Please. Even Aniston isn't paranoid enough to think she's just going to accidentally walk onto Jolie's set in the oh-so-teeny-tiny city of New York and bump into her. [Life & Style]
  • Courtney Love is talking trash about Pamela Anderson in the Post, saying she's white trash who lives in a trailer park and doesn't even have a credit card. Perfect. [P6]
  • Jessica Lange is refusing to step aside into the Emmy awards' Best Supporting Actress slot so Drew Barrymore can have be the only Grey Gardens nominee for Best Actress in a Movie. [P6]
  • Stephen Colbert used to get stuffed into lockers in high school. "If there was no locker, they would stuff me into a wall." [Gatecrasher]