We've been staking out Jesse Watters' house for four hours now, but we made a stalker-n00b error—we neglected to anticipate the effect all that coffee we drank at 4 a.m. would have on our bladders.

So we left for a potty break, giving him a chance to flee. We don't know if he did, but we'll hang out for a while.

So far, we've seen neither hide nor hair of Watters, but we love his neighborhood! Quaint, old Long Island. We think we saw his wife Noelle leaving at 6:30, but positive ID will have to await the video, which we are working on presently. If it was her, it's kind of strange that they wouldn't commute into Manhattan together since she also works for Fox News.

Still, Watters could have evaded us by hopping a fence in the back of his building and walking to the train, or he could simply be holed up inside. He didn't answer the doorbell when we rang it around 9:30. We called Watters' office again in case he made it past us to reiterate our request for an interview, and left a voicemail. We also left one with Fox News publicist Irena Briganti. We also tried to get a message to Watters through a neighbor, but the neighbor didn't want to talk on camera. So we let him go on his way without badgering him or following him.

We're still collecting anything you might know about Jesse — especially his whereabouts — so please keep your tips coming.

We know what you're thinking, Jesse—we're so not pro at this stalking thing! But give us time. We're learning. See you soon!