Stars and models and waitresses seek to salvage or repair their slutty reputations. Starring: John Mayer! Tina Brown! Lindsay Lohan! AND one lucky Waitress.

  • Model Helena Christensen finally calls out Page Six for constantly insinuating she's a slut. [P6]
  • Tina Brown likens Annie Leibowitz's photographs to "crack cocaine." Meaning, I suppose, "They were popular between 1984 and 1990." [P6]
  • Dennis Rodman won't go to rehab because he doesn't want to miss the Celebrity Apprentice reunion. [P6]
  • LiLO's ex is ashamed of their entanglement. No, not SamRo but Harry Morton, owner of Pink Taco USA. The two dates in 2006. [Showbiz Spy]
  • A waitress is NOT dating John Mayer. They are just hanging out, says waitress. A waitress IS dating John Mayer, says E!, not just hanging out. A waitress is not dating John Mayer AND not hanging out with him, says waitress friend to E! [UPI]
  • Olds Demi Moore and Madonna recently bonded about younger men. (No, not Malawi orphans. Brazilian models!) [Daily Mail]