We hear Jason Oliver Nixon, once editor of Gotham, will oversee OK!'s editor in chief Katie Caperton, the former copy editor who recently became the magazine's third editor in eight months.

The celebrity weekly is in the midst of a shakeup; its British owners have curtailed the generous funding once used to buy splashy cover photos of celebrity babies, and the title hasn't found a new formula for success. OK! staffers are in the process of being re-interviewed by a consultant, and Caperton has jettisoned her underling, Cover Awards reported today.

Now it sounds like Caperton, too, is in danger of being dumped: Rumor has it Nixon will review Tuesday her answers to the written questionnaire everyone at the magazine has been filling out ("2 to 3 sentence explanation of your job," "What are two hot, buzz-worthy lifestyle topics," "Give me one non-news celebrity lifestyle cover package"). Her ideas had better be the sort that can be accomplished on the cheap.

If you can shed any further light on the situation, we'd love to hear from you.