Swine Flu Hits Village Voice

Everyone has stopped caring about the Swine Flu, except at still-publishing O.G. alt-weekly The Village Voice, where an intern was just diagnosed with it!
Staffers at the New Times rag are apparently freaking the hell out and leaving faster than management can fire them. Is Michael Musto safe? Is... ok, that's it for people we know who still actually work at the Village Voice. Someone just check on Musto, k?
(Ironically a Voice music blogger was just mocking the swine flu earlier this week—and now an intern has succumbed! This is why some of us never go into the office!)
Update: Voice editor calls off the panic:
Our intern turns out not to have swine flu. He called to apologize and said that another intern may have misinterpreted what he told her about his condition. Please resume normal levels of PANIC.