Well Hello There Stinky Britches!

Hi there! I'm Cajun Boy and I'll be filling in on the night shift this week while the lovely and gracious Ryan Tate takes a much-deserved vacation. Let's get acquainted!
Perhaps you've seen me around the internet seeing as I have a dumb blog, a dumber Twitter, and an even dumber Tumblr. So sad. And oh yeah, I also once pretended to be the overlord of this here media empire during a prolonged fit of boredom. That was kind of fun! Anyway, I'm rambling, and I have a badly bruised shoulder at the moment, so be nice, OKAY?!?!
And please, feel free to send me your tips to cajunboyinthecity at gmail dot com.
PS...As of this writing Foster is receiving oxygen and intravenous fluids, so fear not for his health. He'll be fine. Sort of.