Christian College Gay Porn Star Wins International Acclaim

Remember John Gechter, the Christian college student who was suspended for doing gay porn? Well, according to a tipster, Gechter is a burgeoning international superstar thanks to his considerable "power bottom" skills.
As you may recall Gechter, aka "Vincent DeSalvo," was suspended for a year from Grove City College in rural Pennsylvania after school officials were tipped off by another student, who just randomly happened to run across footage of dudes boning each other while doing research on the internet you see, that Gechter was having gay sex on film for money to pay his tuition.
Now comes word from our tipster, a former American soldier living the gay life abroad in Bulgaria no less, that publicity from the incident has sparked tremendous interest in Gechter, prompting he and some of his friends to seek out Gechter's film work online, and the early reviews are spectacular!
Purely in the interest of accurate journalism and for the promotion of Amerikanski Kultura , we've watched a few of Mr. Gechter-DeSalvo's films online. He is a quite gifted, versatile, and very vocal performer even without a degree from a fundamentalist Christian school. He should do a straight-for-pay adult film with the TITular Miss Kalifornia, Carrie Prejean. She could use a strap-on on him, which could be a powerful, artsy metaphor about the GOP's approach to civil rights and same-sex marriage for the gays.
The tipster went on to describe Gechter as a "power bottom," a term I was, ugh, somewhat unfamiliar with, which prompted me to ask for clarification.
Honey, I promise you that every gay man in Manhattan knows what a power bottom is (just ask some gay you know). You just need to educate the straights. And you could use Mr. Gechter-DeSalvo's films as an illustration. That boy really seems to enjoy his work. I, for one, am delighted to see American workers who actually have fun on the job. He obviously works hard, and works up a sweat. He has such an awesome work ethic. Mr. Gechter-DeSalvo's recent popularity is creating a tremendous boost in sales for the fine folks over at the "Randy Blue" pay-porn website. Even folks in Bulgaria and Russia are logging on to pay to see this newest American talent perform. So he is even helping the economy. What a great American! And in a way, his vocation involves plumbing. Is he going to be the GOP's new "Joe the Plumber"?
Well, our tipster has a point...These people, the straights, do need educating about such things AND the GOP is now painfully Joe the Plumber-less after he went off to join the Aryan Nation or something. Could "Vincent DeSalvo" step in to replace him? I mean, his credentials as a pipe-unclogger seem to be...oh nevermind!