Late today we received an anonymous tip that Katie Caperton and a host of others had been laid off at OK! Magazine. Now it appears that the rumors are true.

Via email our tipster said the following...

Can confirm that Katie Caperton has been fired from OK! Magazine and at least 3 other high-level staff. More lay-offs expected tonight. OK! is in the middle of closing this week's issue and not clear how that will happen with half the staff gone.

I do not work there but my best friend does and she was fired along with Katie and several others. I know that they brought in a bunch of staff from L.A. to help close the magazine and that at least one freelancer walked out in solidarity.

Then, a short while ago, OK! rep Brian Strong confirmed Caperton's firing.

Rumors are also swirling that publisher Lori Burgess plans to name editorial consultant Jason Oliver Nixon (You've gotta keep an eye on those damn consultants!) as the new editor-in-chief, something our own Ryan Tate reported earlier in the month. Burgess' LinkedIn profile also seems to lend credibility to those rumors.

If you have any further information on any of this, please share it with us. Your anonymity will be honored.

UPDATE: We've learned that the firings took place just after the magazine's closing time of 6pm. Those rumored to have been fired include staff writer Lindsey Hunter Lopez, food and health editor Karen Berg, and boozy running enthusiast Jennifer Birn, the magazine's society editor and author of the Simply Jenn blog on the OK! website.

UPDATE #2: We've also learned that managing editor Jennifer Doll and entertainment editor Delaina Dixon have also been fired.

UPDATE #3: Boozy running enthusiast Jennifer Birn has NOT been fired, as reported in the initial update on the post. We apologize for the error and stand corrected.