
Pizza Hut Fires Man After Customers Say They Caught Him Masturbating

Jay Hathaway · 06/30/15 10:45AM

A Lexington, Ky., Pizza Hut employee has reportedly been fired after a teenage customer snapped a photo of him with his hand down his pants. The photo got a lot of attention on Facebook and Reddit, and the teen girl’s mom has alleged that our erstwhile pizza boy was “playing with himself.”

Language School Blogger Fired for Writing About Homophones

Jay Hathaway · 07/31/14 09:53AM

A social media specialist for a Utah language school that teaches English to non-native speakers says he was fired for writing a blog post about homophones—words that sound the same, but carry different meanings—because his boss was afraid readers would think it was about "gay sex."

How Not To Hold Layoffs: Company-Wide Email Promises 'Good' News on Friday, Bloodbath Ensues Monday

Camille Dodero · 03/06/13 11:00AM

New bosses often mean change. We here at Gawker would not know this, because all our managers die in their chairs, but we have heard from industry professionals that when there's a transition of a power at a company, the change often augurs new protocols, shifting job descriptions, the ominous possibility of layoffs, and, say, far worse, the loss of telecommuting. The immediate aftermath can be nerve-wracking—especially when the position at stake is CEO.

Kate Gosselin Was Fired From Blogging About Coupons

Caity Weaver · 10/17/12 11:15AM

Barbs are flying in the high stakes world of online coupon blogging after professional baby-haver Kate Gosselin was fired yesterday from her job ghostwriting blog posts about saving money sometimes.

Village Voice Editor Leaves to Pursue Scientology Full Time

Max Read · 09/14/12 09:42AM

Village Voice editor-in-chief and anti-Scientology crusader Tony Ortega announced today that he's leaving the alt-weekly, which he'd edited for five years. What is he doing? What else: writing a proposal for a book about Scientology. As he writes,

Three Hill Staffers Fired after Months of Drunk Twitter Offenses

Jim Newell · 12/08/11 08:00PM

Three staffers for Democratic Washington Rep. Rick Larsen were fired today after their four months' worth of tweets that "describe on-the-job drinking, frivolous misuse of office time and resources, and contain public insults aimed at the boss himself" were traced to them. While on-the-job drinking and insulting your boss may be understandable, it's just unacceptable for any Hill staffers to frivolously misuse office time and resources.

Porn Star Teacher Allowed to Go Back to the Classroom

Brian Moylan · 09/01/11 11:40AM

British teacher Benedict Garrett was given a reprimand for working as a stripper and porn star while also serving as the head of personal, social, and health education at a high school in East London. Yup, that's right, the sex ed teacher was a porn star. But although he was reprimanded, he will be allowed to resume teaching.

Gossip Girl No Longer in the Taylor Momsen Business

Seth Abramovitch · 05/10/11 02:19AM

The television landscape has been altered inexorably today, with news that makeup-forward shock starlet Taylor Momsen will not be returning to Gossip Girl next season. The precocious actress, who is 17-going-on-undead, was rumored to have been suspended from the show last November for bad behavior. TVLine reports that producers have now chosen to officially "part ways" with both Momsen and co-star Jessica Szohr, who plays Vanessa Abrams.