Young Sulzberger Only Gets Boring Stories!

Maybe some NYT editors are not aware that one A.G. Sulzberger is only um their future boss, okay??????? Because they have him writing the most inane stories in the entire paper. Today: Bus cords.
I mean seriously. Is this a form of punishment? Hazing? A concerted effort to prove that he'll get down in the trenches and work on the flat-out dumbest Metro stories the editors can dream up in their most sadistic moments? Today they sent young A.G. out on city buses to get the public's reaction to the fact that there are now—once again—cords on buses, that you pull to request a stop. He was able to dig up nuggets like this:
"I don't really care," said Gina Harrison, 44, a baby sitter. "As long as the bus stops when I want it to stop."
You speak for all of us, Gina Harrison. A.G.'s last story of note was about light bulbs. He's also been trusted with reporting on the blessing of a subway tunnel, a salamander smuggling investigation, and the moving of a beach house.
Sounds like the perfect guy to 'get to the bottom' of the city's new pay toilets! All you editors will pay for this, dearly.