Sometimes life can just be endlessly perplexing. Like when sane, rational people listen to Glenn Beck's maniacal rantings and they wonder, "whereforth dost this particular strain of lunacy cometh?" Now we know with absolute certainty.

Beck, last seen around these parts babbling on and on about how ACORN is trying to assassinate him, sounds like he's looking for his own personal Peggy Noonan, someone whose flowery prose can transform his usual insidious tripe into Reaganesque towering rhetoric. So where does Glenn Beck turn in search of literary greatness? He turns to Craigslist, of course...

Mercury Radio Arts is the New York based production company owned by Radio and TV host Glenn Beck.

Mercury seeks a writer for contributions to Glenn's radio program, magazine, and web site. The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in news, current events, and politics.

Key responsibilities will include contributing original content to and to Glenn's radio program and magazine. Writing will include a mix of short pieces and long articles, fact-based commentary on the news of the day, etc.


• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Research skills
• At least 2 years of journalism experience

Interested candidates, please send resume, cover letter, and at least 3 writing samples. Cover letters must include salary requirements to be eligible for consideration.

Location: New York, NY

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Wow, there are jobs for writers all over Craigslist tonight! Could this have something to do with the sudden lack of whores on the site? Coincidence? The mind, it does wander.

Now, if you're planning on applying for the job, be sure to mention in your cover letter that you subscribe to the New American and that you're a card-carrying member of the John Birch Society. Just trust me on this one. Maybe the person who gets the gig can parlay it into a gig as Sarah Palin's memoir collaborator. Now hurry up and email Glenn! And be sure to send us all sorts of juicy tidbits about him once you infiltrate his little crazy world, okay?!