Last week we made a joke that Jamie Foxx should play Frank Sinatra in Martin Scorsese's upcoming biopic about the singer. Well, now Brit tabloids are making the same joke, except they call it "reporting."

It appears that the Daily Express heard from an "inside source" (who we suspect either doesn't exist or reads Gawker) that the Ray Oscar winner was in the running for the role, because of his innate abilities:

Magnificent singing voice, totally convincing acting ability, like Frank himself, born the wrong side of the tracks, rags to riches, makes it big against the odds, has his brushes with authority. The guy's a gift.

So giddy with this bizarre news were other tabloids that they ran with it, even though the whole thing is obviously bollocks. But try telling that to publications like the Telegraph, who heralded the "colour-blind casting" rumor with abandon, and to Brit-in-exile Tina Brown, whose Daily Beast website posted the news this morning.

But yeah, we bet you quid to quinces that someone's just having a laugh. Though who knows! I mean, guys, we have a black president. Anything can happen! Racially speaking!