Hello friend, my name is Ade Ogunjobi. I received your contact information in good faith from our mutual friend, Mr. Bernie Madoff, and my corporation, Toks Inc, is prepared to offer the sum of $100 trillion ($100,000,000,000,000) for Mr. Madoff's business. Please respond quickly.

Madoff trustee Irving Picard received a correspondence from Ade Ogunjobi proposing an "all stock tax free transaction involving $100 trillion in stock or 400 million shares" of his company, Toks Inc., court papers said. It was unclear if Picard had to reply with a bank account number.

Cityfile notes that in 2001, Obunjobi filed papers announcing "his intention to acquire GE, GM, Hughes Electronics, AT&T, Time Warner, and Marriott for a modest $2 trillion." If only they had sold then! Get out while the getting's good! This man is offering twice the entire world GDP for Madoff's firm, can you say jackpot?!?