Signing Off: Since the Establishment Loves Biggie, Do You Think His Birthday Will Become a National Holiday?

The Notorious B.I.G.'s birthday was this past Thursday. I wonder, him being so beloved and all, if it will ever get the Martin Luther King treatment? That'd be kind of funny. But also, cool.
Not that I'm going to do an interesting post about our reverence for the old guard of Black heroes, versus our sustained dismissal of hip hop (read: contemporary Black) heroes or anything. It's a holiday weekend, baby! But just wondering.
Anyyawn, thanks to Sasha Grey, and my discussers of feminist issues: Jill, Amanda, Jess, and Matt. Support your artists!
I'm signing off. It's 9PM. Black bloggers got to get home before the freaks come out! By home I mean the bar, of course. Fek and I took our time to indulge, and make sure this blogging day was as relaxed and spread out as possible. It's the weekend!
Send all your complaints about tainting the feminist conversation via gawker, or gawker via feminist taint, to my internet PO BOX. If you see Sasha Grey, tell her I look forward to talking it out.
Before I peace-out this bitch, here's a clip of Biggie, modern Black hero, twenty years ago, at the age of 17.
Hmm, well I guess his speeches are a little NSFW. See y'all next weekend.