
White Republicans Are Delusional on Race

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 10:10AM

In our sharply divided partisan era, it is common for each side of the political spectrum to accuse the other of failing to understand reality. But a new survey conveniently proves that white Republicans are living in a fantasy world when it comes to race in America.

Donald Trump Points Out the Single Black Person At His Rally

Jordan Sargent · 06/03/16 05:20PM

Today in Redding, Calif. Donald Trump rambled, as he does, about the tenor of his campaign. He was responding to the intense rioting between protestors and his supporters that took place in San Jose last night. In the middle of his nearly endless spiel, Trump began talking about an incident that happened in Tucson in March, in which protestors wearing white KKK hoods were beaten by a black member of the crowd.

Student Movements Carry on Tradition of Arguing With Themselves

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/15 11:00AM

America is a nation founded on a legacy of white supremacy that persists to this day, causing great pain and inequality. Before we get around to solving that, though: let’s have a serious talk about who started the protest Facebook group.

Ben Carson Is Black

Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/15 12:25PM

Jonah Goldberg, a Republican National Review columnist, is a white man. Do you think this means that he is not attuned to the nuances of race in America? You are wrong.

Americans of All Races Agree: We Are Racist

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 09:08AM

We're getting close to the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, which is, hell, as good a time as any to reflect on how racist we still are. Are we really, though? We are!

Americans: Every Race But Mine Is Racist (Especially Black People)

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 12:45PM

Here in America, the land of They Hate Our Freedoms, we don't tolerate racism or discrimination of any sort, as long as you don't look too many pages back in the history book. But you know who's really racist? People of every other race but mine.

Downton Abbey Is Adding a Black Guy

Caity Weaver · 02/26/13 01:12PM

Downton Abbey? More like Show About a Black Person Abbey. Looks like everyone's favorite program about dramatic white people (of the non-Real Housewives variety) is set to introduce its first black character in the upcoming fourth season.

Bad News, Black Girls

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/12 02:15PM

Oh, there you are, young black women! Didn't see you there. Yes, well, come in, sit, sit, please. Sit on the good chair. How are you? Everything okay? School good? Good, good. Can I get you anything? Water? Soda? Well. Not soda. Haha. I mean... yes, well, I don't really know how to put this, but, we have a bit of bad news for you.

Essence Magazine Cans White Republican Editor in Fun Teachable Moment

Hamilton Nolan · 04/24/12 09:26AM

Essence magazine is, like, Glamour for black people. It is a completely bland and inoffensive publication. Still, given the racial politics in America and the general dearth of big black media outlets, Essence's moves are scrutinized through a more sociopolitical lens than Glamour's would be. Which makes everyday office scandals all the more entertaining.