Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter, Exodus, was pronounced dead today in a Phoenix, Arizona hospital after an accident in the family home over the weekend.

According to various reports on the incident, the young girl was playing on a treadmill inside of the family's home when she somehow got her head caught up in an electrical cord attached to the console, effectively hanging herself.

Exodus' 7-year-old brother found her and told their mother, who was in another room. She took Exodus off the cord, called 911 and tried to revive her.

Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR on Exodus as they took her to the hospital, where she had been listed in critical condition since Monday.

Tyson, the subject of a critically acclaimed documentary, "Tyson," by director James Toback currently in theaters nationwide, has been widely lauded for cleaning up his life after he was convicted and served time for rape and separately for possession of illegal drugs and drunk driving. Tyson was recently a guest on Charlie Rose's show, along with Toback, where he discussed the film, how his love for his family keeps him grounded and how he feared that being thrust back into the national spotlight might lead him astray as a person once again.

"I feel that I'm gonna be a target again and that frightens me because I don't think I can deal with another run like I did last time...I know if I get back into a situation where everyone is telling me 'we love you' and 'you're the greatest guy ever,' I know how dangerous I can become. I can become real ugly."

We extend our deepest condolences to Mike Tyson and his family during this difficult time.

Tyson's 4-Year-Old Daughter Dies After Accident [AP]
Mike Tyson on Charlie Rose [Charlie Rose]