Anna Wintour & Adam Lambert: 302 West 45th Street

[Submit your own Gawker Stalker sightings to] May 26 @ 7-9-30 At tonight's performance of Hair on Broadway. (How appropriate.)
Lambert (100% adorable and camera-ready) looked like he was having a great time, dancing in his seat, schmoozing with the cast, and smiling at fans. Wintour, on the other hand (there with her daughter, I think, and looking plastically perfect) managed to watch the entire second act with her sunglasses on! And she left before curtain call. Maybe she was annoyed that Lambert was getting all the attention...
Bonus: Anna Wintour....last night at HAIR at the Hirschfeld with her daughter....leaving the women's bathroom nervously giggling at how hot it was because either she didn't want to stand in the (ridiculously long but fast moving) line or she made it downstairs before the line snaked to the length it was.