Bruno Lawyers Will Send Mean Letters To Anyone Who Dares To Sue Them

Last week Richelle Olson filed a lawsuit against the producers of Bruno, claiming she was injured during filming. Bruno's lawyers say ich don't think so: they're threatening a countersuit, claiming it was actually Olson who assaulted Sacha Baron Cohen.
The Hollywood Reporter's THR, Esq. blog obtained a copy of a letter sent by Bruno production attorney Russell Smith to Richelle Olson's attorney. Here are a couple of the highlights:
Mr. Baron Cohen never touched Ms. Olson, much less assaulted her. To the contrary, Ms. Olson assaulted Mr. Baron Cohen, grabbing his arms from behind and attempting to pull him out of a chair.
Your clients also allege that Mr. Baron Cohen used 'vulgar and offensive language over the loud speakers of the bingo hall,' that 'the bingo players are predominantly elderly,' and that they 'felt violated.' ... The footage shows that most of the bingo players were relatively young (like the plaintiffs), and that Mr. Cohen offered only light-hearted comments that were met with general laughter from the audience, and even applause.
Obviously anticipating a slew of legal proceedings coming at them with the film's release, Bruno lawyers seem to be drawing a line in the sand and are daring potential litigants to cross it. We wonder how much the film has to gross to cover the cost of the legal team they're forced to employ to defend it?
THR, Esq. has a PDF of the complete letter if you're interested in those sort of things.
Bruno Attorneys Threaten Olson and Her Lawyers [THR, Esq.]