As if it's not hard enough being unemployed right now, Nigerian scammers are trolling Craigslist, wasting the jobless' precious — OK, not so precious — time with fake employment offers. Hopefully no one's gullible enough to send money.

A tipster reached out to us after "interviewing" for a job she found on Craigslist (one posted here but since removed) purporting to pay $19/hour to work from home entering data and routing electronic records. Despite a plethora of capitalization and punctuation errors in the questions, she answered an email interview.

Next, she was asked to deposit a check, deduct some money, and forward the balance to a "payment agent." Luckily this set off alarm bells.

Here's the initial reply. Note the originating IP address, which traces to Nigeria.

After the victim provided the requested information, this comical list of interview questions came next:

And finally, the request for money. Typically, the victim in a situation like this will deposit a bad check from the perpetrator, use some of the money, and forward a check for the balance back to the perpetrator. Then the check originally sent to the victim bounces.