The family of slain physician George Tiller, who was recently gunned down attending church services in his hometown, announced today that they are closing his clinic in Wichita, Kansas, leaving only two providers of late-term abortions remaining the country.

Reports the LA Times:

In a statement released by attorneys Dan Monnat and Lee Thompson, Tiller's wife, Jeanne, and their four adult children said that the family was "ceasing operation of the clinic and any involvement by family members in any other similar clinic.

"We are proud of the service and courage shown by our husband and father and know that women's healthcare needs have been met because of his dedication and service," the family said in the statement. "That is a legacy that will never die. The family will honor Dr. Tiller's memory through private charitable activities."

No matter what you think about about late term abortion, and there's a lot to be skittish about in regards to the procedure, the fact that Tiller's murderer achieved his intended purpose of seeing his clinic closed down is extremely unsettling. Though it's nearly impossible to fathom the pain being experienced by the Tiller family during this time, it's hard not to believe that this action on their part sends a strong message to other extremists lurking around out there in the world. We imagine that Scott Roeder, who said in an interview today that the closing of Tiller's clinic is "a victory for all the unborn children," will lay his head down tonight in a Wichita, Kansas jail cell feeling overcome with satisfaction, and that's just sad.

Slain Abortion Doctor George Tiller's Clinic to Close [LA Times]