Would a Black President And Black Commentators Be Too Much Black?
In your intermittently gloomy Monday media column: a new font at the New York Times, a fantastical price for the Boston Globe, black people would like to be invited on television sometimes, and the recession proves Steve Forbes right:

Did you see the NYT magazine this weekend? It's slightly smaller! Also the paper has chosen a new font to help it squeeze more words on the page, in response. Every penny saved on newsprint these days helps, you know. Unfortunately the magazine also changed the layout of Deborah Solomon's weekly interviews, which was the best thing about them.

What is happening at the upheaval-wracked Boston Globe today? Upheaval! Of a minor sort. The union is meeting with the NYT Co. to discuss that 23% pay cut. The union says it's still in "negotiations," but management says negotiations are over so I guess the meeting is just kind of a friendly consolation thing? David Carr goes out and gets estimates of what the Globe might sell for—the estimates range from $250 million to less than nothing. Maybe go ahead and sell to the guy who said $250 million?

The Congressional Black Caucus thinks that the Sunday news shows should have more black guests and commentators. Which is possibly self serving and also true! "White people talking about Obama all the time" is not the same as "diversity," television people. Clarence Page can only be one place at a time!

Among the every-magazine-in-the-world doing poorly these days: Forbes. If only we had a flat tax, things would be different!